
Video Gallery

APTC is a centre for training excellence & collaboration.

Creating Skills for Life.

Growing up in Tuvalu, Seluia Paeniu developed a passion for Carpentry. The 22-year-old Tuvaluan is now turning her passion into a prospective career, honing her skills through training in the Certificate III Carpentry course at the Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC). Seluia is the only female in her cohort at the APTC training site in Walu Bay, Suva. 

Gender Equity, Disability & Social Inclusion.

APTC is proud to support skills training for persons with disabilities as part of our commitment to Gender Equity, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI). Check out this video of a group of students who recently trained in the welding course.

Meet Akanisi Maritina! ‍

She is one of the few female students in the APTC Wall and Floor Tiling course at CATD Nadave.

Aspiring farmer shares her learning journey under the APTC-NATI partnership.

Aspiring farmers like Baciseva Tinai are challenging perceptions that commercial farming is only for men. She is studying at the Navuso Agricultural Technical Institute (NATI) to become a qualified farmer.

Through the Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC), the Australian Government supports NATI in strengthening agriculture training for Fijians, including opportunities for more women to become qualified farmers and develop new businesses.

Thirteen women are supported through the NATI-APTC initiative.

Meet Shivneel Sharma!

Intern Shivneel Sharma leads a sign language class for APTC staff, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. APTC remains committed to promoting Gender Equity, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) priorities to ensure that everyone has equitable access to training and employment opportunities.