Painters combine creativity with 'going green'.

29 Jul 2011

Certificate III Painting and Decorating students are developing their creativity while learning how to 'go green' in the practice of their trade.

Trainer Michael Farrugia said that the APTC students are trained to be environmentally friendly when cleaning up tools and equipment with water.

"Water based paints contain heavy metals in the form of titanium dioxide and synthetic emulsions that can be harmful to the beautiful coral reefs of Fiji. The Pacific has so much to lose if the reefs are damaged. This issue should not be ignored by the industry," explained Mr Farrugia.

The students had the opportunity to demonstrate environmentally sound practices while undertaking a community-based work project at the Multiple Intelligence Centre (MIC).

MIC Principal Dr Robin Taylor said, "I have been trying to focus on environmental education with our school students, so I was glad to see that APTC values the environment with its waste disposal practices."

"The school had no funds available for repainting, and would not have taken place, if it were not for our efforts," said Mr Farrugia. "We would have used the same materials training in the classroom.

"The Painting students went a bit crazy; colour and murals everywhere.," said Mr Farrugia. " They had a lot of freedom on the project. It was fun to watch as colour and images appeared everywhere on the classroom walls.

"It is important to remember that painting and decorating is a trade, not an art. The students discussed progress and colour schemes with the school staff on a daily basis as an exercise in communication and customer relations," said Mr Farrugia.

"Although painting and decorating is a construction trade, and concern for the environment is a major factor to consider, the APTC students also showed that there is room for creativity as well," concluded Mr Farrugia.