"An opportunity to repay," says CPC Allan Kae

28 July 2011

Mr Allan Kae sees his new role as Country Program Coordinator at the APTC Campus in Papua New Guinea, as an opportunity to repay the College and the Australian Government for the knowledge he acquired while training in Fiji for his Certificate IV in Hospitality.

"I am enthusiastic with my new role as a Country Program Coordinator. APTC and the Australian Government have built a bridge that I have crossed over," said Mr Kae. "I will market APTC to all young Papua New Guinean's who have aspirations."

Prior to this appointment, Mr Kae was employed as Camp Administrator for Eurest Catering & Service in the CCJV-LNG Highland Highway Up Stream Project in Mendi Southern Highland Province. He said that while there, he shared his new skills and talked to local youth about APTC and working with passion.

When the CPC position was advertised, his employer encouraged him to apply.

Mr Kae brings a strong background in catering, hospitality and office administration to his new employment.