Solomon Island artists expand potential

9 October 2009

Six members of the Artists Association of Solomon Islands are attending the second of two eight-week study blocks in Painting and Decorating, Certificate III, at the Training Productivity Authority of Fiji (TPAF) Narere campus. APTC's Painting and Decorating Trainer Michael Farrugia, based at Narere, said that he encouraged the Solomon Island students to apply for the course as, "The artists, led by Frank Maninga, were contracted by the SoloEnviro Committee to beautify Honiara, and I could see a lot of potential in their work for the community project."

Frank Maninga said that after completing the eight-week block, the group of students will return to Honiara where they have been offered contracts to work on the new Ombudsman's Office. "We have been noticed for our artwork and have been given the chance to study in the painting and decorating field. We have the opportunity to combine our art skills with painting and interior designing, and at the end of studying we will be qualified artists, painters and decorators. "Receiving an Australian qualification and learning more is an opportunity of a lifetime, as this will benefit us with employment being available for us. We have the chance to expand our careers," Mr Maninga said.