APTC Media

APTC Media

The Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC) is a training excellence and collaboration centre. It was announced as an Australian Government initiative at the Pacific Islands Forum in 2006 and welcomed by the Pacific Island leaders. As Australia’s flagship Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) investment in the region, APTC collaborates with national governments, development partners, the private sector, organisations for people with disabilities, civil society organisations, and Pacific TVET institutions in ten countries: Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu. APTC also works closely with industry representatives around the region to ensure its training programs are relevant and aligned with current and future career opportunities for graduates – careers where skilled employees are in high demand. APTC offers Australian qualifications from Certificate II to Diploma level in various vocational areas. Highly regarded and qualified trainers deliver courses, and graduates will enjoy the benefits of an internationally recognised and accredited Australian qualification. APTC is an Australian Government initiative implemented by TAFE Queensland (RTO 0275) in partnership with the Pacific and Timor-Leste.

Posts by APTC Media

APTC’s first female national trainer

Temalesi Lutu from Namuka Village in Bau, Tailevu has every reason to celebrate her achievement as the Australia-Pacific Technical College (APTC)’s first female national trainer. Progressing from being a tutor at APTC to becoming a qualified trainer, …

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29 July 2014

Launch of the Y Connect Youth Services Directory

The Certificate IV in Youth Work was first delivered at the Australia-Pacific Technical College (APTC) in Vanuatu in July 2012 with a subsequent program being commenced in July 2013. This five month course has been offered to participants from 14 Pac …

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28 July 2014

APTC launches pilot program in Aged Care

The Australia-Pacific Technical College (APTC) has launched a pilot program, in Aged Care, in Tonga. The program is to be delivered at the ‘Ahopanilolo Technical Institute (ATI) in Nuku’alofa and commenced on Monday 7 July, 2014 for six months.

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9 July 2014

Porebada man becomes another APTC success story

PNG Power Electrical Inspector, Billy Badira Peter, 49 from Porebada Village in Central Province is now a proud recipient of an Australia-Pacific Technical College (APTC) award.

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7 July 2014

Students’ development pegged to industry development

Former culinary students of the Australia-Pacific Technical College (APTC) in Fiji held their own against industry heavyweights at the most recent Moffat National Salon Culinaire in Nadi last year, scooping a record 33 medals.

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26 June 2014

APTC rolls out its Fashion Program

The Australia-Pacific Technical College (APTC) has established a relationship with Fiji’s key stakeholders and employees in the garment industry, with the introduction of its new Fashion program. The seven month pilot program which began in March, 20 …

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25 June 2014

More graduates join APTC Alumni from Vanuatu

On 7 May 2014, 127 graduands representing all six provinces in Vanuatu received their certificates and diplomas at the Australia-Pacific Technical College (APTC) graduation. Ms Jennifer James, the Vanuatu Preschool Coordinator of the Ministry of Educ …

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6 June 2014

APTC Vanuatu Celebrates International Women’s Day

The students and staff of the Australia-Pacific Technical College (APTC) Vanuatu celebrated International Women’s Day this year and were proudly supported by the Vanuatu Women’s Centre (VWC).

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6 June 2014

Samoa to go on show

Chefs from around Samoa will be taught Food Safety and Hygiene by trainers who have cooked for the Queen of England and the Olympic Games.

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4 June 2014

Solomons APTC Celebrates One Year

One year ago, Solomon Islands’ first Australia-Pacific Technical College (APTC) campus was launched at Don Bosco Technical Institute, boosting training and skills development opportunities for Solomon Islanders.

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15 May 2014

More graduates join APTC Alumni

On Friday 11 April, 86 students from Fiji and Tuvalu graduated from the Australia-Pacific Technical College (APTC) in Suva. The ceremony took place at the Australian Aid Lecture Theatre at the University of the South Pacific, with Fiji Higher Educati …

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14 May 2014

APTC Carpentry students host open afternoon for construction sector

The Australia-Pacific Technical College (APTC) Vanuatu Campus hosted an open afternoon to showcase its Carpentry course. The event was held at the Vanuatu Institute of Technology (VIT), which partners with APTC in the delivery of the program.

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12 May 2014