Launch of the Y Connect Youth Services Directory

28 July 2014

The Certificate IV in Youth Work was first delivered at the Australia-Pacific Technical College (APTC) in Vanuatu in July 2012 with a subsequent program being commenced in July 2013. This five month course has been offered to participants from 14 Pacific Island Forum Nations.

The Australia-Pacific Technical College is a development initiative funded by the Australian Government to deliver training and to increase the supply of skilled workers in targeted sectors in the Pacific region. APTC has campuses in Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands.

The Y Connect guide is a product of the Certificate IV in Youth Work delivery by APTC, and was developed in partnership with the Vanuatu National Youth Council and the Pacific Youth Council. The idea for the Y Connect guide was developed by APTC trainer, Annie Dares in consultation with Vanuatu’s Department of Youth, Sport and Training Director Mr Joe Iautim. On Thursday 24 July, 2014, the inaugural Y Connect Youth Services Directory will be launched at the APTC campus in Port Vila, Vanuatu.

Developed by young people for their peers, the Y Connect is the first National Youth services guide for Vanuatu. The project is an outstanding example of collaborative effort, in this case between the Vanuatu National Youth Council (VNYC), APTC Certificate IV Youth work students and the youth sector throughout Vanuatu.  The guide is testament to what can be achieved through collaborative efforts and partnerships between dedicated organisations. The Youth Work students designed the logo which represents the islands and municipalities of Vanuatu, the branding, and the information templates were distributed throughout Vanuatu to gather the much needed data. The guide includes:

• An introduction by each provincial VNYC President 
• An overview of each province / municipality 
• Current youth statistics 
• Over 120 Youth, School, Health and Community Services organisations across the six provinces and two municipalities of Vanuatu 

The concept was presented to and well received by delegates at the Pacific Youth and Sport Conference held in New Caledonia in December 2013. The Pacific Youth Council has endorsed the Y Connect Youth Services guide as a model that could be applied across the Pacific. Y Connect was launched by the Prime Minister of Vanuatu, Hon Joe Natuman in Port Vila on 24 July 2014 in time for National Youth Day in August 2014.

The Australian High Commissioner to Vanuatu Mr Jeremy Bruer was in attendance at the launch and handed certificates of appreciation to those who contributed to the development of the guide. Mr Bruer noted that Australia also supports Wan Smolbag Theatre and a range of sporting organisations in Vanuatu through the Australian Sports Outreach Program and Australian volunteers. The Y connect guide will soon be available as a resource for youth services in Vanuatu.

The first print run of 200 copies of the guide will be made available to Youth and Community Sector organisations.