Australia supports Divit Rural Training Centre with new vehicle and resources
Through the Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC), Australia has provided Divit Rural Training Centre (RTC) with a new vehicle and tools and resources to strengthen its training delivery.
Kolinio Tuiraviravi
Certificate III in Engineering - Mechanical Trade (Maintenance) Diesel Fitting pathway (MEM30205)
Fijian aged care workers to benefit from new pilot program
A Fiji aged care pilot was launched today by the Australian Government to increase qualified Fijian aged care workers under the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme.
APTC works with International Needs Fiji to enhance digital literacy skills for women
The Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC) collaborated with International Needs Fiji to improve the digital literacy skills of 20 women for better employment prospects.
Tonga’s Ministry of Education and Training launches new TVET Coordination Unit
A new TVET Coordination Unit established by the Government of Tonga’s Ministry of Education and Training (MET) was launched on 21 April 2022.
APTC works with FNU to strengthen Fiji’s aged-care sector
Twenty-four Fijians are undertaking the Australia Pacific Training Coalition’s (APTC) Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home & Community) program that is being delivered for the first time from the Fiji National University (FNU) Nurs …
APTC and INDMO sign partnership for TVET skills development in Timor-Leste
The Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC) and the National Institute of Workforce Development (INDMO) in Timor-Leste signed a new partnership agreement on 8 March that will see greater collaboration to strengthen Technical and Vocational Educat …
APTC hosts virtual graduation for 87 Solomon Islanders
Eighty-Seven Solomon Islanders were awarded Australian qualifications in a virtual graduation ceremony hosted by the Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC), on Thursday, 10 March 2022.
APTC welcomes new Vocational Training Manager
Australia’s flagship Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) program in the region, the Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC), is pleased to announce the appointment of Lina Visinia-I’amafana to the position of Vocational Trainin …