Partnership to strengthen skills development in Fiji's aged care sector

13 February 2024

The Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC), has extended its support to the Sangam Institute of Technology College of Nursing and Health Care Education (SIT CON), a nursing education institution under the governance of the Then India Sanmarga Ikya (TISI) Sangam Fiji, solidifying a successful partnership to boost Fiji’s aged care sector.

The renewed partnership allows APTC to support SIT CON in strengthening aged care training in Fiji through capability development for trainers and improvements to equipment and training facilities in Labasa and Lautoka. This will help improve the learning experience for all students.

This partnership aligns with the Australian Government’s objective of advancing skills and employment outcomes for a thriving aged-care sector across the Pacific and Timor-Leste.

APTC’s ongoing support to Sangam College of Nursing includes the development of the National Certificate Level II in Aged Care and delivery of the National Certificate Level III in Aged Care in Fiji, creating pathways for their graduates to transition into APTC’s Certificate III in Individual Support (CHC33021) program.

Since 2017, the APTC and SIT CON partnership included the provision of APTC trainers to deliver the Certificate III in Individual Support program at the College while mentoring their trainers in vocational education and teaching strategies.

APTC helped boost the capacity and capability of the College’s training staff through the International Skills Training to deliver competency-based training and assessment programs.

Dr Neelesh Gounder, Acting Chairman of the Academic and Staff Board of the TISI Sangam Institute of Technology College of Nursing and Health Care Education, thanked APTC for being a valuable partner in enhancing caregiving and nursing education.

“The Sangam Nursing College is dedicated to improving the curriculum and the overall teaching and learning experience so that our students are ready for the competitive labour market. We also acknowledge the vital role of APTC in addressing the regional skills shortage, and we are enthusiastic about our continued collaboration in the years to come,” Dr Gounder said.

Nicki Baird, APTC Executive Director, expressed excitement about continuing the meaningful engagement with the College to equip Fijian graduates with skills for advancing aged care services in Fiji and beyond.

"Looking ahead, the increasing demand for aged care skills in Fiji and abroad emphasises the significance of our ongoing collaboration. We are committed to ensuring that our graduates receive quality training for better employment outcomes. The journey so far has been substantial, and there's much more to achieve together,” Ms Baird said.

APTC plans to also support the College in a range of training and gender equity, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI) initiatives to build capacity for trainers, students, and other vocational training providers in the Northern Division.

As Australia’s major investment in TVET in the Pacific and Timor-Leste, APTC has trained over 20,000 graduates, including more than 7,600 Fijians, since 2007.