Students in Kiritimati Island receive their certificates

14 December 2016

Earlier this year in October, a small celebration was held to award qualifications to nine Australia-Pacific Technical College (APTC) graduates in Kiritimati Island, which is one of the Northern Line Islands of Kiribati.

Graduates who had completed various vocational courses including Commercial Cookery, Community Services, Carpentry, Diesel Fitting, Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology and Electrotechnology Electrician, were presented with their certificates by the Minister of the Line and Phoenix Islands Development, Honourable Mikarite Temari and his wife Ms Faioa Mikarite Temari.

The Minister was delighted to be part of the celebrations, encouraged graduates to continue applying their skills and knowledge in their workplaces.

He added that there were many employees at local hotels and lodges who need to seek further training in Hospitality, especially with the influx of tourists from Australia, America, and Europe.

He also thanked APTC for providing training for the sector.

APTC representative, Ms Eileen Aukitino said the event was an overall success and the Minister was very happy to see APTC on Kiritimati Island for recruitments.