The Vanuatu National Barrista Competition draws competitors across Vanuatu

19 June 2013

The Vanuatu National Barrista competition was held at the Seafront Stage Port Vila.  The competition is the precursor to the International Competition to be held in October to coincide with the annual Salon Culinaire.  This year competitors came from as far as Santo to be a part of what is fast becoming one of the highlights of the culinary calendar in Port Vila.

This year’s key sponsor was Vittoria Coffee and Vila Distribution who donated the first prize of a trip to Sydney to train with Vittoria Coffee.  Australia Pacific Technical College (APTC) trainers Marc Warin and Rollyne Liu were onsite for the full two days, judging, organising and supporting the event.  And of course APTC hospitality students who were not in the actual competition were readily providing assistance during the event.

APTC Trainer Marc Warin said, “This event is raising the awareness of what quality coffee means to the restaurant industry, is increasing the skills levels of those working in the industry and promotes Vanuatu as a destination for tourist who love good coffee."