Forty-one staff including the Principal of POMTech Mr Alan Tira, have participated in a Workplace Health & Safety training program spanning over four weeks. The training which was taken in their own time on Friday afternoons provided an opportunity to learn the principles of workplace safety including safety analysis procedures, preparation of a workplace safety action plan and the implementation of safety processes in the training environment.
Mr Rick Harper, the safety training instructor from the Australia-Pacific Technical College (APTC) was impressed with the participant’s clear desire to improve their understanding of safety principles. Many of the participants had several years of experience teaching and implementing safety procedures in the training workshops of POMTech. These training sessions were a wonderful opportunity for everyone to share their experiences and develop a cooperative approach to safe practices across all workshops at POMTech and the APTC.
The Port Moresby Technical College has a Partnership Agreement with the APTC. This partnership includes scope for increased level of cooperation in the delivery of vocational training and the improvement of training and safety resources within the college.
Mr Alan Tira, the Principal of POMTech commented at the presentation of the training certificates, “This training program has provided an opportunity for all POMTech teachers and staff to gain important skills and knowledge in workplace health and safety. This training will be an important step towards providing a safer and healthier workplace for the staff and students.”
“Alan went on to say that he was very impressed with the commitment of his staff to improving safety in the workplace and that he looks forward to ongoing training initiatives with the APTC.”