Student Orientation at Vanuatu Campus

25 February 2011

It's the start of another year at APTC in Vanuatu. Eighty-nine students have arrived in Port Vila from PNG, Solomon, Tonga and remote outer islands of Vanuatu, "very keen to begin studies in Certificate III in Children Service and Commercial Cookery," said APTC Welfare Officer, Mr Ronic Joe.

Mr Joe developed and delivered a two-day program to orientate the new students to APTC and Port Vila. This included a tour around the Vanuatu Institute of Technology Campus and Vila North School to familiarise themselves with the campus and to know where to access information.

"The 'Navigate Your Way to Success' activity in Port Vila town was enjoyed by the students," said Mr Joe. "It's a great way for students to explore their new town and familiarise themselves with the important local services, which they may access during their five months in Port Vila."

Mr Joe said that the program also included a workshop on budgeting, and was a great opportunity for students to meet each other and share their experiences and something about their country.

Country Manager Jan Matheson gave a welcome address to the new students, while Finance Officer Roline Guila and Student Administration Officer Alison Kalsuak kept them busy, completing all of the necessary paper work.

Mr Joe said that forty students, twenty in Santo and twenty in Tanna, would also begin studies this semester, through the APTC program to deliver training in more remote areas.