APTC collaborates with VQA to implement the National Human Resource Development Plan

08 Jun 2021

A partnership signing between the Vanuatu Qualification Authority (VQA) and the Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC) will support the implementation of the National Human Resource Development Plan (NHRDP 2020 -2030) and further strengthen Post-School Education and Training (PSET) in Vanuatu.

The development of Vanuatu’s first-ever NHRDP, launched in 2019, was supported by the Australian Government through the Governance for Growth and Vanuatu Skills Partnership programs. The Vanuatu Government through the VQA also helped contribute to the development of the NHRDP.

The new partnership reaffirms Australia’s further support for addressing skills shortages and promoting vocational education and training in Vanuatu.

Under this partnership, APTC and VQA will work jointly to strengthen and promote PSET through a skills campaign and dialogue; socialise and coordinate the implementation of the NHRDP; and support the development of a PSET-performance based funding.

VQA’s Chief Executive Officer, David Lambukly, acknowledged the need for such a partnership, and said he looks forward to working collaboratively with APTC and relevant partners to support the PSET sector and roll-out the NHRDP in Vanuatu.

The Memorandum of Agreement was signed by the Ministry of Education and Training, Director-General, Bergmans Iati, who is also the Chairman for VQA; and the Executive Director of APTC, Janelle Chapman.

Mr Iati welcomed the opportunity to collaborate with APTC on this initiative, and acknowledged the effort from both partners to formalise this agreement.

Ms Chapman acknowledged the major role of VQA in developing Vanuatu’s PSET sector.

“Through the partnership, APTC will have the opportunity to add value to those contributions, particularly for a deeper and coordinated approach to implement the NHRDP with key players in this sector,” she added.

The signing ceremony on 31 May 2021 was witnessed by representatives from the Ministry of Education and Training, VQA, Department of Strategic Policy, Planning & Aid Coordination (DSPPAC), DFAT and APTC.

The NHRDP compliments the National Sustainable Development Plan.