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Pacific Labour Market Analysis to lay foundation for addressing skills gaps for industry relevant training

Aug 09, 2019

The Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC) conducted the first of a series of workshops with stakeholders recently to enhance their ability to undertake Pacific Labour Market Analysis (PLMA) in the future.

To strengthen labour market data, APTC and key stakeholders from Pacific public and private sectors and regional and international organisations are collaborating through national and regional workshops to assist in identifying national, regional and global labour market skill demands.

Facilitated by Labour Market Analysis experts from Australia, the workshop shared experiences and discussed approaches for robust analysis and explored the capability of stakeholders to progress the assessment in future years.

The PLMA involves analysing existing data or collecting new data to identify a national skills profile of occupations, qualifications and employment outcomes. This information can then be used to assist APTC and its partners to anticipate demand for skills in the short, medium and long-term.

The evidence generated by the PLMA will also allow APTC to deliver skillsets and qualifications that are demand driven and informed by labour markets, helping to address Pacific labour gaps, supporting future growth areas and satisfying labour mobility aspirations of Pacific Island countries while ensuring that local industry sectors are not negatively impacted.

In its current third stage, APTC has a renewed focus on labour mobility. The Pacific Labour Scheme and other low-to-medium skilled labour mobility schemes are opening up opportunities to support APTC graduates and others to gain work experience overseas and return to their home countries with new skills and contributions.

PLMA reports from Fiji, Tuvalu, Nauru, Tonga, Samoa, PNG, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu are due in March 2020 together with a regional summary report. They will be shared with interested stakeholders, while at the same time informing APTC’s training profile.

The workshop was attended by the Fiji Government’s Ministry of Employment, Productivity and Industrial Relations; the Ministry of Education, Heritage and Arts; the International Labour Organisation; the International Organisation of Migration; the Fiji Commerce and Employers Federation; the Pacific Islands Private Sector Organisation, and the Australia Pacific Climate Partnership Support Unit.

APTC is an Australian Government initiative in partnership with the Pacific and Timor-Leste.

APTC is implemented by TAFE Queensland (RTO 0275)

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