Creating Skills for life


Surveys play an important role in the continuous improvement of the training and support services that we provide. Our surveys give you the opportunity to tell us about your course and share your experiences of studying with APTC – both what you liked and what you think could be improved. Your feedback will help us enhance the training experience for future students.

Throughout the year, we conduct the following surveys as part of our ongoing monitoring and evaluation activities:


Course Commencement Survey

Our Course Commencement Survey is conducted in the first week of your APTC course and captures information such as why you want to study, the challenges you think you may encounter in studying and your expectations after the successful completion of study. This survey also allows you to provide feedback about the quality of the student orientation process and the support services provided by us, prior to the commencement of study.

Please click here to undertake the survey

End of Course Learner Survey

Our End of Course Learner Survey is conducted in the last few of weeks of each course and captures information through your feedback on the quality of course content, training delivery, training facilities & equipment, accommodation services and student support services. This survey allows us to continuously improve our services to be able to maintain the highest level of student satisfaction.

Survey link for Short Courses

Survey link for Full Qualification

Graduate Tracer Survey

Our Graduate Tracer Survey seeks feedback from graduates who have studied at APTC in the last 6 to 12 months and captures information about the impact of APTC training on their career and community.

Please click here to undertake the survey

Employer Engagement Survey

Our Employer Engagement Survey seeks feedback from employers of our graduates and captures information like the level of technical development of each graduate, their personal and professional progress, workplace productivity and working standards, as well as the overall employers’ satisfaction with the quality of our training.

Please click here to undertake the survey

APTC is an Australian Government initiative in partnership with the Pacific and Timor-Leste.

APTC is implemented by TAFE Queensland (RTO 0275)

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